Zeo Route Planner multi-stop delivery route planner provides estimated arrival times and these arrival times are automatically updated as you make deliveries. Whether you’re behind or ahead of schedule, the arrival times will always be up to date. We take into account the traffic while you are making stops on the way.
Zeo Route Planner App Founder & Release Information:
- Founder(s): Kshitij Dixit, Nimit Mehra, Ritesh Singh
- CEO: Kshitij Dixit
- Headquarters: Dover, United States
- Founded: 2019
Zeo Route Planner App Features:
- Unlimited delivery routes -Dynamic re-routing
- Add and Delete stops on the go
- Navigate with your favourite navigation tools like google maps and waze
- Setup delivery time duration
- Avoid tolls and highways
- Voice enabled location input
- Import delivery locations via excel upload, manifest image capture, QR and barcode scan
- Time slot based Deliveries
- Prioritising deliveries ASAP
- Integrations with woocommerce and shopify.
- Record mile and mileage
- Cash expenses
Save Time and $$$. Get Home Faster
- Zeo Route Planner provides the shortest and fastest route .
- Save over an hour each day and get home faster.
- Drivers save more than 30% time spent on the road and 20% money on fuel.
- That means more money in your pocket.
Unlimited Routes. No commitment usage
- No Limit on the number of routes created or optimised
- No Sign In, No Credit Card details required to create your first route.
Zeo Route Planner App Google Play Store Information
- Updated: December 18, 2020
- Size: 20M
- Installs: 50,000+
- Current: 6.3
- Requires: 5.0 and up
- Content Rating: Rated for 3+
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Download App From It’s Store:
Download Zeo Route Planner Android App From Google Play Store
Download Zeo Route Planner IOS App From Apple iTunes Store
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Google App StoreURL
Itunes App Store URL
Developer Information:
Name: Zeo Route PlannerEmail: Nimit.Mehra@zeoauto.in
Developer Website: https://zeorouteplanner.com/
Social Media Pages:
Facebook PageTwitter Page