Movies, anywhere. Want to buy, stream, rent or watch them for free? Get the free Vudu app and instantly watch movies and TV shows wherever and whenever you want, on your phone or on the device of your choice. Join us freely – no subscriptions and no contracts to sign here! Watch new movies and shows weeks before they hit the shelves and other subscription streaming services. Stream with stunning clarity and sound in up to 4K UHD, with Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio on select devices. Or watch thousands of titles free with limited commercials with Vudu Movies On Us – now also on the Android TV app.
Vudu App Founder & Release Information:
- Founder(s): Alain Rossmann, Tony S. Miranz
- Parent organization: Fandango
- Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California, United States
- Founded: January 1, 2004
- Area served: United States
- Services: Video content delivery
Vudu App Features:
- A movie library on your phone? Vudu makes it all possible. All your movies and TV shows can now be found on your phone, and yes, even the brand new ones!
- Our library can also keep you busy for ages: with over 100,000 movies and shows, the possibility to link your Disney Movies Anywhere account, and new ones coming out every month, you’ll always have something to enjoy.
- Stream, rent, or own? Download and watch offline? Do you want to pay? You get to decide exactly how you want to watch your TV shows and movies.
- Movies, for free. (Really.) With Movies On Us, a Vudu exclusive, you can watch thousands of movies with limited and short commercials, and not have to pay.
- If you buy or rent a movie or a TV show, Vudu lets you download it on your phone. Enjoy your library offline! And forget about buffering: you won’t depend on a flimsy Wi-Fi signal to stream anymore.
Vudu App Google Play Store Information
- Updated: October 27, 2020
- Size: Varies with device
- Installs: 10,000,000+
- Current: Varies with device
- Requires: 5.0 and up
- Content Rating: Rated for 12+
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Download App From It’s Store:
Download Vudu Android App From Google Play Store
Download Vudu IOS App From Apple iTunes Store
Download Vudu Windows App From Microsoft Store
Download App From It's Store:
Google App StoreURL
Itunes App Store URL
Windows App Store URL
Developer Information:
Name: VUDU VUDUEmail: googleplay@vudu.com
Developer Website: https://www.vudu.com/
Social Media Pages:
Facebook PageTwitter Page