My game is called The Happy Popcorn Popper. It is a game where the focus is for the player to tap different types of popcorn, either happy or mad. They gain points by tapping happy popcorn and lose points by tapping mad popcorn. The top scores are tracked for competition against friends and family. The players can change the popcorn’s look as well as use a variety of power ups in different combinations to increase their score. There are also various bosses that are fought against and the difficulty of the game increases over time. The simple graphic style of the game also attracts players. The graphics of the room where the popcorn machine is set up draws attention to the player as well. The marble counter bench-tops in the kitchen changes color depending on the popcorn’s mood and what level you are in. The Marble Benchtops in Sydney do a great job with providing us with the exact colors to give the player a realistic experience.
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Screen shots of my game can be viewed on either of the sites in the links provided.
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