Install the Tata Health app on your phone and get instant access to the best doctors for any health issues, online lab test booking, doctor appointment booking, specialty consultation for dermatological issues, pediatrician advice, gynecology, and much more. Tata Health brings comprehensive care at your fingertips. Book appointments, video call or chat with any doctor at your convenience. You can now video chat with our doctors for a personalized treatment experience.
Tata Health App Founder & Release Information:
- CEO: Pratik Pal
- Employees: 85+
- Headquarters: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Founded: 2016
Tata Health App Features:
InstaDoc GP
Get a solution for any health issue anytime, anywhere through InstaDoc. Consult expert doctors online 24/7 to get personalized answers for the following health issues.
- Cough and cold
- Headache
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Indigestion
- Minor Injuries
Access the consultation of experienced dermatologists at the comfort of your home. Book a doctor’s appointment through InstaDoc and get a personalized online doctor consultation for the following issues:
- Hair fall
- Dandruff
- Hair Thinning
- Acne / Pimples
- Dark Spots
- Facial Hair
- Eczema
- Ringworm
- Skin Allergy
- Skin Rashes
Consult the most trusted Gynecologists online within seconds. Get answers to your pre or post-pregnancy concerns and female reproductive health. Talk to a doctor regarding the following issues:
- Missed Periods
- Pregnancy issues
- Infertility Problems
Consultant Physician
Get an instant diagnosis of any acute and chronic illness on the app. Get one-on-one online doctor consultation for:
- Diabetes Management
- Thyroid Problem
- Viral fever
- Respiratory problem
- Cholesterol Issue
Diagnose, prevent, and treat any health issues affecting your child. Consult the best pediatricians online and get instant solutions at your fingertips. Talk to a doctor for the following issues:
- Child fever
- Ear Pain
- Vomiting
- Child Vaccinations
- Nutrition
Tata Health App Google Play Store Information
- Updated: July 24, 2020
- Size: 34M
- Installs: 100,000+
- Current: 33.0
- Requires: 6.0 and up
- Content Rating: Rated for 3+
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Download App From It’s Store:
Download Tata Health Android App From Google Play Store
Download Tata Health IOS App From Apple iTunes Store
Download App From It's Store:
Google App StoreURL
Itunes App Store URL
Developer Information:
Name: Tata HealthEmail: android_ps@tatahealth.com
Developer Website: https://www.tatahealth.com/
Social Media Pages:
Facebook PageTwitter Page