Jiffy Trading App – Best Share Market App by Choice Broking
Trade Easy, Trade Fast with Jiffy.
* Track your favourite scrips in the WatchList.
* Stay updated on the stock value by setting Price Alerts.
* Quick Order Placement from 7 different places in the app.
* Technical analysis with advanced Real-Time Charts.
* Free Fundamental and Technical Research.
* Seamless navigation with Clean and Simple UI.
* Dark Theme for enhanced user experience.
* Available 4 more Languages (Hindi, Gujrati, Marathi & Malayalam).
Open a Zero Fee Account today and get exciting benefits.
* Free Demat Account
* Free AMC for a Year
* High Margin
* Low Brokerage Charges
And more…
Install the Jiffy App by Choice Broking
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Google App StoreURL
Itunes App Store URL
Developer Information:
Name: Ronak AgarwalEmail: ronak@choicebroking.in
Developer Website: https://choicebroking.in/
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