Freegal Music is a free music service that is provided to you by your participating public library. Download and/or stream music on any compatible device. Browse through our vast collection of over 15+ million songs from over 200+ genres.
Freegal Music App Founder & Release Information:
- No Founder found.
- Available in: 85+ Countries
- platform: Android, iOS
Freegal Music App Features:
Enjoy our curated playlists that were designed to suit any mood, activity, or special occasion.
We encourage music discovery – keep up with our social media to get daily recommendations and new releases.
- Unlimited simultaneous and aggregate usage for an annual subscription fee.
- Affordable plans for all-sized libraries.
- Streaming and MP3 download of over 15 million songs.
- Ad free.
- Mobile apps for Apple and Android.
- Over 40,000 music videos included.
- Multi-language interface.
Freegal Music App Google Play Store Information
- Updated: October 6, 2020
- Size: 39M
- Installs: 100,000+
- Current: 5.3.1
- Requires: 4.2 and up
- Content Rating: Rated for 12+
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Download App From It’s Store:
Download Freegal Music Android App From Google Play Store
Download Freegal Music IOS App From Apple iTunes Store
Download App From It's Store:
Google App StoreURL
Itunes App Store URL
Developer Information:
Name: Library Ideas, LLCEmail: info@libraryideas.com
Developer Website: https://www.libraryideas.com/freegal
Social Media Pages:
Facebook PageTwitter Page